ISO 20121 Sustainable Events Lead Implementer

ISO 20121 Sustainable Events Lead Implementer

In an era where sustainability is increasingly becoming a focal point, the event industry is no exception. Sustainable event management aims to minimize the negative environmental, social, and economic impacts of events while maximizing their positive contributions. The ISO 20121 standard provides a framework for implementing sustainable event management systems (SEMS), ensuring that events are organized and executed in a sustainable manner. The ISO 20121 Sustainable Events Lead Implementer course equips professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead the implementation of sustainable event management practices within their organizations.

Course Introduction:

The ISO 20121 Lead Implementer course is designed to provide participants with a deep understanding of the ISO 20121 standard and the skills needed to develop, implement, and maintain sustainable event management systems within their organizations. Participants will learn how to integrate sustainability principles into all aspects of event planning and execution, from venue selection and waste management to stakeholder engagement and legacy planning.

Course Benefits:

  1. Environmental Protection: Participants gain the knowledge and skills needed to minimize the environmental impact of events by implementing sustainable practices such as waste reduction, energy conservation, and carbon footprint mitigation.
  2. Social Responsibility: The course equips participants with strategies for promoting social inclusion, diversity, and community engagement within the context of event planning and execution, fostering positive social impacts and relationships.
  3. Cost Savings: Implementing sustainable event management practices can lead to cost savings through reduced resource consumption, waste generation, and operational inefficiencies, ultimately improving the bottom line for event organizers.
  4. Enhanced Reputation: Organizing sustainable events can enhance the reputation and brand image of event organizers, demonstrating their commitment to environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and sustainable development.
  5. Legacy Creation: The course emphasizes the importance of legacy planning, enabling participants to create lasting positive impacts from events by supporting local communities, preserving cultural heritage, and promoting sustainable development initiatives.

Course Study Units:

The ISO 20121 Lead Implementer course is structured into comprehensive study units, covering various aspects of sustainable event management. These units typically include:

  1. Introduction to ISO 20121: Understanding the purpose, scope, and structure of the ISO 20121 standard, as well as its benefits for event organizers and the principles of sustainable event management.
  2. Stakeholder Engagement: Identifying key stakeholders and engaging them in the sustainable event management process, fostering collaboration, communication, and alignment of goals and objectives.
  3. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Understanding relevant laws, regulations, and standards related to sustainable event management, ensuring compliance with environmental, social, and economic requirements.
  4. Sustainable Procurement: Implementing sustainable procurement practices to source goods and services from environmentally and socially responsible suppliers, minimizing the environmental and social impacts of event operations.
  5. Venue Selection and Management: Evaluating venue options based on sustainability criteria, such as location, accessibility, energy efficiency, waste management facilities, and environmental certifications.
  6. Waste Management and Recycling: Developing waste management plans to minimize waste generation, maximize recycling and composting, and reduce the environmental impact of event operations.
  7. Energy Management: Implementing energy conservation measures to reduce energy consumption, promote renewable energy sources, and minimize greenhouse gas emissions associated with event activities.
  8. Transportation and Mobility: Promoting sustainable transportation options for event attendees, such as public transit, cycling, and carpooling, to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution, and carbon emissions.
  9. Communication and Marketing: Developing communication and marketing strategies to promote sustainable event practices, engage stakeholders, and raise awareness about environmental and social issues.
  10. Performance Monitoring and Evaluation: Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of sustainable event management practices, identify areas for improvement, and measure progress towards sustainability goals.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completing the ISO 20121 Lead Implementer course, participants can expect to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  1. Proficiency in ISO 20121 Principles: Participants gain a thorough understanding of the principles outlined in the ISO 20121 standard, enabling them to develop and implement sustainable event management systems that meet the requirements of the standard.
  2. Effective Stakeholder Engagement: Participants develop skills in identifying key stakeholders, engaging them in the sustainable event management process, and fostering collaboration, communication, and alignment of goals and objectives.
  3. Comprehensive Sustainability Planning: Participants learn how to integrate sustainability principles into all aspects of event planning and execution, including venue selection, waste management, energy conservation, transportation, and communication.
  4. Cost-Effective Resource Management: Participants acquire strategies for minimizing resource consumption, reducing waste generation, and optimizing operational efficiencies to achieve cost savings while promoting environmental and social responsibility.
  5. Enhanced Reputation and Brand Image: Participants understand how organizing sustainable events can enhance the reputation and brand image of event organizers, attracting environmentally and socially conscious attendees, sponsors, and partners.

Who Is This Course For?

The ISO 20121 Lead Implementer course is suitable for a wide range of professionals involved in event planning and management, including:

  1. Event Managers: Responsible for planning, organizing, and executing events, including conferences, trade shows, festivals, and corporate meetings, seeking to integrate sustainability principles into their event management practices.
  2. Venue Managers: Managing event venues, such as convention centers, hotels, and conference facilities, seeking to implement sustainable practices in venue operations and event hosting.
  3. Sustainability Managers: Overseeing sustainability initiatives within organizations, seeking to apply sustainable event management principles to reduce environmental impacts, promote social responsibility, and enhance organizational reputation.
  4. Event Planners: Designing and coordinating events for clients or organizations, seeking to incorporate sustainability criteria into event design, logistics, and execution.
  5. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Managers: Responsible for developing and implementing CSR strategies and initiatives, seeking to align event activities with corporate sustainability goals and objectives.

Future Progression for This Course:

Completion of the ISO 20121 Lead Implementer course opens up several future progression opportunities for participants, including:

  1. ISO 20121 Auditor Certification: Participants may pursue certification as an ISO 20121 Lead Auditor, allowing them to conduct audits of sustainable event management systems and provide certification services to event organizers.
  2. Advanced Sustainability Training: Participants may choose to undertake advanced training in specific areas of sustainability, such as carbon footprint measurement, environmental impact assessment, or social impact evaluation, to deepen their knowledge and expertise in the field.
  3. Specialized Consulting Services: Equipped with expertise in ISO 20121 implementation, participants may offer specialized consulting services to event organizers, venues, and suppliers seeking assistance with sustainable event management practices.
  4. Leadership Roles: The knowledge and skills gained from the ISO 20121 Lead Implementer course can lead to leadership roles within organizations, such as sustainability directors, CSR managers, or senior event management positions, responsible for driving sustainability initiatives and promoting environmental and social responsibility.
  5. Further Education: Participants may choose to pursue further education, such as a Master’s degree or professional certifications in sustainability management, event planning, or corporate social responsibility, to expand their knowledge and expertise and pursue advanced career opportunities in the field.

ISO 20121 Lead Implementer course offers a comprehensive pathway for professionals seeking to integrate sustainability principles into event management practices. With its structured curriculum, practical training, and promising future prospects, this course stands as an essential investment for individuals and organizations committed to organizing events that leave a positive impact on the environment, society, and economy.

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Working hours

Monday 9:00 am - 5.00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am - 5.00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am - 5.00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am - 5.00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed